Where are you located at?
We are located at 401 Hurst St. Center, Texas! We are right next door to White Cottage Mercantile. Our store has the double pink doors and a Rae Sterling Sign up top!
Why are you located here?
My husbands family owns WCM and well, we just go together! :)
Can I shop both stores at once?
Yes! You can walk right on into White Cottage Mercantile from our store! We are connected on the inside but also have separate exterior
Can I check out with you if I have items from White Cottage Mercantile in my shopping basket?
Yes, with card only for now! While RS can do cash OR card, our WCM
system only accepts cards at the RS counter. If you have cash, You will
need to make your way back to the front of White Cottage Mercantile to
check out with their items.
How can I tell the difference between each stores items?
No worries! We have all Rae Sterling items tagged with RS tags! An
employee will be able to help you identify the difference if need be at
check out.
Your store closes at 3PM, I need to pick up my order after 3PM but before 5PM, Can I pick up from White Cottage Check out counter?
Yes! After you place your order, please call or text the store to let us know to leave it up front at White Cottage.
Contact - Hours - Address
Reach out to us here:
Address: 401 Hurst St. Center, Texas 75935
Next Door To White Cottage Mercantile
M-F 9-5 • SAT 9-4 • CLOSED SUN